Chakra Dharanam 1 – Dru Meditation’s approach on the first 4 chakras (MP3)

Chakra Dharanam 1 – Dru Meditation’s approach on the first 4 chakras (MP3)



Chakra Dharanam 1 – Chris Barrington

Chakra Meditations on the first 4 chakras, with preparatory movement & breathing techniques.

For thousands of years yogi’s and mystics have used chakra meditation, concentration, and visualisations as a means to unlock their hidden potential. Now, with this album, you too can make contact with these vortices of energy and open the door to new perspectives in your life.

1. Introduction
2. Activation
3. Pranayam
4. Spinal Breathing
5. Chakra Rainbow Kriya
6. Turning of the Wheel Kriya
7-8. Ajna Centering
9. Mooladhara (base chakra) Dharanam
10. Svadhistana (2nd chakra) Dharanam
11. Manipura (3rd chakra) Dharanam
12. Anahata (heart chakra) Dharanam

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